Selasa, 09 November 2021

Hollywood’s favorite fictional beer, DIY spunding valve and more

Brew Day Bulletin
Dear Homebrewer,
Learn about craft brewing in Australia [Digital Members], including One Drop Brewing Co's Double Mango Passionfruit Sorbet clone [Digital Members], a full-bodied and thick imperial smoothie style sour.
Brew Hollywood's favorite fictional beer — Heisler [Free]  — at home!
Having trouble fitting homebrewing into your busy schedule? Here's how one homebrewer is balancing medical school and homebrewing [Free].
Mr. Wizard discusses phenolics [Free] and the keys to brewing a great weizen [Digital Members]. In projects, we show how to build your own spunding valve to carbonate in the keg [Free] and DIY bottle cap designs [Digital Members]
Brad Ring
Read & Brew: Free Content For All

After seeing the infamous Heisler bottles, cans, and tap handles throughout television shows and movies, this is my rendition of the "gold ale," which is much like an American pale ale crossed with an American amber ale.

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.053   FG = 1.015
IBU = 30   SRM = 7   ABV = 5%

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Drink Two and Call Me In The Morning: Balancing medical school and homebrewing

The Dogshead Brewing team first started to take shape when I got my acceptance letter to attend medical school in the fall of 2020. See, I was already a homebrewer...

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Ask Mr. Wizard
Reduce the amount of phenolics in a beer?

How do you reduce the amount of phenolics in a beer? My recent beers have had a slight distaste of cloves, which I´m not too fond of. Is the presence of phenolics due to the yeast strain or what?

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Build Your Own Spunding Valve to Carbonate in the Keg

Having brewed on some large scale and pilot systems in breweries around the Portland area, I have been able to pick up some tricks that can be readily adapted to homebrewing. One of these techniques is the  capping of a bright tank for the retention of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced late in fermentation.  This produces naturally carbonated beer. For homebrewers, the most logical vessel for a sealed secondary fermenter is the Cornelius keg. The challenge becomes how to retain enough carbon dioxide pressure to provide for the right level of natural carbonation, but to vent any excess pressure.

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For Digital Members Only
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One Drop Brewing Co's Double Mango Passionfruit Sorbet 

A full-bodied and thick imperial smoothie style sour showcasing two of the best tropical fruits grown in Australia — mango and passion fruit.

(7 gallons/26.5 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.074  (pre-souring)  FG = 1.025
IBU = 5  ABV = 7% 

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Brewing Down Under

Aussies have always loved beer. When I was growing up in Australia in the 1980s it was just a simple beverage: A thirst-quenching lager of about 5% alcohol. In my state of New South Wales, two mass-produced lagers dominated: Tooheys and Victoria Bitter.

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Ask Mr. Wizard
Keys To Brewing A Great Weizen

I love hefeweizen, especially Franziskaner, but when I brew these at home I never get the aroma that I am seeking. I have used several different types of malt and changed up my mash schedule to include a low temperature rest, but I'm still not happy with the results. I've been using yeast strains that are supposed to be Weihenstephan 3068. What gives?

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DIY Bottle Cap Designs

I enjoy being creative, working with my hands, and taking on a challenge. Homebrewing brings many of these opportunities and it's why many of us are drawn to the hobby. We can take control over almost every aspect of the process to develop just the right look, feel, and flavor of the beers that represent our best effort and passion for the final product.

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