Selasa, 12 Oktober 2021

Ode To Oktoberfest, Sparkling Cyser recipe and more

Brew Day Bulletin
Dear Homebrewer,
In Ode to Oktoberfest [Free], we revisit fond memories of amazing beer. 
Learn about alternative souring methods using acid-producing yeast strains [Digital Members].
This Sparkling Cyser recipe [Free] makes a thirst-quenching but deceptively strong sparkling brew. Gordon Strong's Czech Dark Lager [Digital Members] is on the hoppy side to help distinguish it from its German cousin.
Mr. Wizard explores silicone affecting beer foam [Free] and how to clean copper [Digital Members].
Our Stainless Steel Auto-siphon project [Digital Members] provides a novel approach to priming a siphon, and we converted a beat-up old refrigerator into a Chalkboard Kegerator [Free].
Brad Ring
Read & Brew: Free Content For All
Sparkling Cyser

A thirst-quenching but deceptively strong sparkling brew. Darker than most, because of the cider. Serve chilled.

(5 gallons/19 L)
OG = 1.058  FG = 1.006
ABV = 6.6%

5 lbs. (2.3 kg) honey (clover or wildflower)
2 gal. (7.6 L) fresh apple cider

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An Ode To Oktoberfest: Bringing it back through memories

Covid has given me time to reflect back on some of my best memories. Near the top of that list stands Oktoberfest in Munich, 1977. I remember it like it was yesterday; as if those memories are tangible in my mind.

Oktoberfest 2021 in Munich is cancelled, but if you plan to go next year, this event is the purest definition of enjoying amazing beer...

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Ask Mr. Wizard
How does silicone affect beer foam?

I am currently a graduate student studying materials science (polymer focus) and a teaching assistant for a professor who is considered an expert on the subject of silicones. Recently he informed our students that some form of silicon is used in the brewing of beer to reduce the amount of foam. I'm assuming this is referring to the fermentation process, but I may be wrong. I see the scientific reasoning behind this idea but my question is are there commercial brewers or homebrewers who actually use silicon during any part of their brewing? And if so, how and what type of effects could this have on the flavor and body of the final product, if any?

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Today is the Final Day to Save $100 on NanoCon Online!
Today. Tuesday, October 12, is your last chance to register and save $100 on NanoCon Online taking place December 3 & 4. Join us for 30+ seminars for small-scale craft breweries (and breweries in planning) covering strategies for both brewing and business success.
Chalkboard Kegerator

The first-time homebrewer usually finds the entire beer-making process new and enjoyable. The second time around, bottling is usually seen as tedious, yet still rewarding. Every time after that scraping labels and sanitizing all those bottles is seen as the chore it truly is. A few years ago a beat-up old refrigerator fell into my lap. Converting it into a kegerator was the only logical thing to do.

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For Digital Members Only
Members get access to thousands of recipes, all new BYO issues and more. Try membership risk free for 14 days.*

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Gordon Strong's Czech Dark Lager

I prefer maltier versions of this style a touch stronger but this version is on the hoppy side to help distinguish it from its German cousin.

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.044 FG = 1.013
IBU = 26 SRM = 27 ABV = 4.1%

6 lbs. (2.7 kg) Continental Vienna malt
1.75 lbs. (794 g) Continental dark Munich malt (11 °L)

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Alternative Souring Methods: Acid-producing yeast strains

In recent years, sour beers have risen in popularity thanks to the niche of consumers who find the array of fruited or barrel-aged or mixed fermentation tart beverages an exciting new world to explore. In Europe, sour beers are traditionally made with an obscure brewing process that has been utilized for centuries. They have the right complexity to take off in a market obsessed with the in-depth search for layers of complexity. 

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Ask Mr. Wizard
Question About Cleaning Copper

I am relatively new to homebrewing and recently bought a copper immersion chiller. It works great for wort cooling, but looks really brown after it dries. Is this something I need to clean off before using the next time I brew?

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Stainless Steel Auto-siphon: A novel approach to priming a siphon

My path into homebrewing is a familiar tale. I started brewing in a single pot, which slowly over time morphed into a three-pot, fly-sparge system for 10-gallon (38-L) batches. I call a modified stainless conical fermenter my own. The system benefits from a wide range of Brew Your Own magazine projects and hacks...

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