Selasa, 06 April 2021

Tree House Brewing Company: Julius clone recipe and more

Brew Day Bulletin
Dear Homebrewer,
Tree House Brewing Company: Julius clone recipe [Free] is a NEIPA bursting with American hops filled with mango, passionfruit, and citrus. Star Gazer Hazy Double IPA recipe [Digital Members] was formulated to showcase the minty and green apple aroma notes from German Polaris hops and the tropical and juicy aromas from BSG Hops' Zamba™ blend. 
Brush up on wort boiling science [Free], from enzyme inactivation to color development.
Are bottles or kegs better for long-term beer storage [Free]? What effect on the final product would putting all of the wort from the kettle into the carboy have [Digital Members]? Mr. Wizard answers. 
If you're new to homebrewing (or if you want to get back to basics), review these 8 brewing priorities for beginners [Digital Members], then apply them when brewing Beginner's Luck Pale Ale [Digital Members]. 
Check out these DIY wine barrel table [Digital Members] and trap door keezer [Free] projects. 
Brad Ring
Read & Brew: Free Content For All
Tree House Brewing Company: Julius clone

This "New England style" IPA is bursting with American hops filled with mango, passionfruit, and citrus.

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.061 FG = 1.014
IBU = 75 SRM = 8 ABV = 6.5%

11 lbs. (5 kg) UK pale ale malt
1 lb. (0.45 kg) oat malt
5 oz. (142 g) honey malt
5 oz. (142 g) Carapils® malt

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Join BYO for in-depth, four-hour online workshops taught by trusted experts
Don't miss three upcoming live and interactive online workshops on Recipe Formulations, Brewery Quality Control, and Starting Up a Commercial Craft Brewery.
Wort Boiling Science

Many new all-grain brewers are prepared for the added difficulty of mashing. They already have read about the effects of different temperatures, mash thicknesses and rest combinations. However, because the techniques for wort boiling are very straightforward, they may not have learned about the important benefits that boiling the wort correctly brings to their beer. When asked for advice on what it takes to make great beer, a famous German brewer listed four things: Buy the best ingredients you can possibly afford, clean everything all the time, boil the kettle well and pray. There are several reasons why a good wort boil is important.

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Ask Mr Wizard
Are Bottles or Kegs better for long term beer storage?

Q Do bottles or kegs keep beer fresh longer?

So how do bottles differ from kegs? If bottled properly, they really should have similar storage properties. The big difference with bottling a five-gallon batch versus kegging a five-gallon batch is roughly 48 bottle fills compared to one keg fill. A keg is easy to painstakingly fill. A keg can be filled to the brim with water and then completely filled with carbon dioxide by pushing the water out of the keg with the gas. 

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The Trap Door Keezer

As most beginning homebrewers do, I first bottled my homebrew in saved 12-oz. longnecks. After a few batches under my belt I found bottling was a hassle, and I really wanted a beer refrigerator with taps at my newly-built bar. The quest began for the perfect beer fridge/kegerator. My wife thought that having a refrigerator with multiple taps through the door would not be a fitting addition to our family room, and I had to agree even though we already had a 14 cu. ft. (0.24 cu. m) fridge in the basement we could modify. 

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Star Gazer Hazy Double IPA

This hazy double IPA was formulated to showcase the minty and green apple aroma notes from German Polaris hops and the tropical and juicy aromas from BSG Hops' Zamba™ blend. The grist bill is typical for the style with a little boost from sucrose to increase wort gravity without adding non-fermentables or additional malt flavor. The hopping schedule and yeast strain are intended to set the stage for aroma retention and biotransformation while keeping hop bitterness in check.

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.064  FG = 1.012
IBU = 35  SRM = 4  ABV = 7%

6.5 lbs. (2.95 kg) Rahr North Star Pils Malt or other North American 2-row Pilsner malt
3.25 lbs. (1.47 kg) red wheat malt
1.5 lbs. (680 g) flaked oats

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Brewing Priorities for Beginners

Beer is easy to make. People brewed beer for thousands of years without the benefit of computers, digital wireless hydrometers, or PID controllers — or, for that matter, even basic thermometers and hydrometers. Because we do not have direct control over the biological processes that make beer, we rely on production procedures to make wort for yeast to ferment to produce the results we desire. All brewers follow the same process for converting grain to beer. 

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Ask Mr. Wizard
Transferring Hop Trub to the Fermenter

What effect on the final product does putting all of the wort from my kettle into the carboy as opposed to removing only the clear portion have? After I chill wort I just dump everything in as opposed to pumping or siphoning into the carboy. My final product is usually clear after fermentation and kegging.

Right or wrong, I long ago viewed the production of beer to include many steps where things are modified, separated and moved to the next step of the operation. The malting process, for example, includes barley cleaning before steeping, and includes the removal of rootlets following malt kilning. Go to a hop farm during harvest and you will see equipment that separates leaves and bines from hop cones prior to kilning. Most brewing water is treated using a variety of techniques along the path to make the water clear, clean and suitable for use in brewing.

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Wine Barrel Table: Give an old barrel a new life

I recently came across a used half barrel that the local pub was throwing out. It was almost ready to fall to pieces as two of the bands had fallen off and the top one was also ready to fall off. It would be very difficult to reassemble, so I carefully put the bands back on and took it home. I knew there was a good use for it, but I wasn't sure what that was at the time.

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