Rabu, 14 April 2021

Choose the best yeast strains for your homebrews


BYO Special Newsletter: Yeast

How to Choose the Best Yeast 

Choosing a strain of yeast for a particular beer style is an integral component of recipe formulation, whether you're making the choice for a production brewery or a homebrewery. Here are the most important factors to consider.
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Choose Your Perfect Yeast from Our Full Homebrew Range!

As a brewer, you will be interested in exploring new sensory pathways, fine tuning the originality of your aromas, or perhaps exploiting fermentation potentials of your wort at its best. We are striving to offer you the best diversity, quality, and service to help you reach your wildest dreams. Cheers!

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Matching Yeast
to Style — 
Tips from the Pros

There are hundreds of commercial yeast strains used for brewing beer. Three pro brewers offer their tips for yeast selection depending on the style they are brewing.

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Please Excuse Our Yeast Sales Pitch

Looking for something to do while your beer ferments? Try out a brewing class from UC Davis! We offer a variety of training opportunities—from short webinars to comprehensive courses—that cover topics brewers of all skill levels care about. Enroll today. Your next batch of beer will thank you. 

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Experiment with Yeast 

Experimenting and first-hand experiences are the best ways to determine which yeast strains you prefer for each style. Get tips on how to conduct an effective experiment and evaluation process.

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Calculate Your Yeast Pitch Rate in the Grainfather Community

The Grainfather Community features almost two dozen brewing calculators to help you accurately adjust your yeast pitch rate, brewhouse efficiency, grist ratio, mash water volume, and more. Take the guesswork out of your brew day and use the comprehensive resources that are available for free in the Grainfather Community.

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Homebrew Yeast Strains Chart  

With the plethora of yeast strains available from different companies, it can be hard to keep all of the products straight. That's why we organized them all for you. Choose the beer style you want to brew in the drop down menu and we'll list the appropriate yeast strains and their attributes to consider for your recipe.

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Blichmann Premium In-Line Oxygenation Kit

Set your brew day up for success with the Blichmann Engineering Premium In-Line Oxygenation Kit. Our stainless steel diffusion stone helps reduce lag time, meaning you produce the finest homebrewed beer without off-flavors from stressed yeast. Get brewing today with Blichmann.

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