Jumat, 07 Oktober 2022

Let's Celebrate Barrel-Aged Beer Day!

Add exciting new depths of aroma and flavor on your next brew day.
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It's Barrel-Aged Beer Day!

We love barrel-aged beers.

And, judging by the number of questions we receive about the process, we know a lot of other people do, too. The growing popularity of barrel-aging isn't surprising, given how much flavor a little barrel can add to your final beer. Want to try barrel-aging beer? Here are some tips and things to consider before you start.

Don't have the space? You can mimic the barrel-aged effect on the stove-top with these two Beer Making Mixes: Bourbon Dubbel and Rum Barrel Porter.

Take 15% off these barrel-aged styles through Sunday, October 9.


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Barrel-Aged Beer Mixes

Image of Bourbon Dubbel
Bourbon Dubbel

To mimic the vanilla and char notes bourbon gets from aging in oak barrels, we soak oak chips in bourbon overnight - then add them to the boil. The result: a caramel Belgian dubbel with a bourbon kick.

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Image of Rum Barrel Porter
Rum Barrel Porter

By soaking oak chips in your favorite rum and adding to your beer (during the boil), you'll get a sweet and boozy clove-y vanilla taste to your finished porter, making it the perfect brew to drink all season long.

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More Mixes to Try

Peanut Butter Porter: Beer Making Mix
Peanut Butter Porter: Beer Making Mix

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Pumpkin Beer: Beer Making Mix
Pumpkin Beer: Beer Making Mix

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Bourbon Dubbel: Beer Making Mix
Bourbon Dubbel: Beer Making Mix

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Bacon Dubbel: Beer Making Mix
Bacon Dubbel: Beer Making Mix

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Rum Barrel Porter: Beer Making Mix
Rum Barrel Porter: Beer Making Mix

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Cinnamon Swirl Stout: Beer Making Mix
Cinnamon Swirl Stout: Beer Making Mix

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Brooklyn Brew Shop 81 Prospect Street Brooklyn, NY 11201

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