Rabu, 26 Januari 2022

Meet the First Helo on Mars: A Deep Dive Into What Makes Ingenuity So…Ingenious

NASA's Perseverance rover made its Martian debut this week—and strapped to its underbelly is one of NASA's most daring scientific creations. Weighing at just four-pounds (or 1.5 pounds on Mars), Ingenuity will become the first rotorcraft to explore the skies of another world.

To ensure the helicopter would be ready for its Red Planet debut, engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, developed two Ingenuity prototypes. They subjected one prototype to rigorous environmental testing to see whether it could survive chilling temperatures and vibrations associated with lift-off and landing. The other was developed specifically for flight tests, which took place in a 25-foot- diameter vacuum-sealed space simulation chamber on JPL's campus.

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