Rabu, 12 Januari 2022

Let's Get Lagering!


BYO Special Newsletter:
Let's Get Lagering

The Lowdown on Lagering 

From ingredients to techniques and fermentation temperature control, get the lowdown on lagering and start brewing clean lagers at home!
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Rethink your Lager Fermentation!

Lagers are usually fermented at low temperatures (53-59 °F/12-15 °C) but it's not easy to maintain these temperatures when you're brewing at home without professional equipment. Fermentis offers you an alternative with the SafLager™ W-34/70, ferment at higher temperature without compromising on the quality of your Lager! Click to discover more about this yeast! 

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Fast Lagers: Ferment Your Favorite Lager in Less Time

A lot of homebrewers avoid making lagers due to the months they believe it takes for a batch to be done fermenting and then lagering. What if we told you that you could brew a great lager that is ready to drink in as little as two weeks?

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5th Annual Pink Boots Blend Available Now!

Show your support for women in the industry with your purchase of the Pink Boots Blend. This season's hop blend consists of Idaho Gem™, HBC 630, Talus®, Triumph and Loral®, contributing aromas of sweet, citrus and berry. Order now in time for a celebratory brew day on International Women's Day! 

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Controlling Fermentation Temperature

The biggest difficulty of lagering at home is often keeping the fermentation and lagering temperature cool enough. Get tips from low-cost hacks to more grand schemes to keep your fermentations cool. 

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Join BYO for In-Depth Brewing Learning Experiences

BYO is running 9 different online boot camps through the first half of 2022. Each live and interactive workshop includes full access to video replays so you can keep learning after the event. Topics include: Home Draft Systems, Sour Beer Techniques, Distilling, Home Hop Growing, Hands-On Homebrew Science, Evaluating Beer Like a Judge, Brewery Taproom Draft Systems, Advanced Homebrew Lab Skills, and Brewery Financials. Reserve your spot today!

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Lagering with Airlocks  

The Wizard offers advice to deal with negative pressure of condensed air that can draw in liquid and air through the airlock when lagering.

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Brew 15 Classic Pilsners
at Home!

Put your lagering techniques to use brewing the clone recipes in this special digital download. It includes 15 clones chosen from a wide array of the best Pilsners being brewed around the world. Order yours now for just $2.99.

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