Minggu, 19 Desember 2021

The Universe Might Be Able To Bend the Laws of Physics All By Itself

An autodidact is someone who has learned a subject without a teacher or formal education. Famous examples of these self-taught maestros include Leonardo Da Vinci, master of 16 languages; Katรณ Lomb, a prolific Hungarian interpreter that knew at least 17 languages; and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Now, there may be a new entry on that list: the great cosmos. The universe could be constantly teaching itself how to evolve into a more stable state, according to new research that was recently published to the pre-print server arXiV (meaning the work has not yet been peer-reviewed).

The paper—authored by researchers at Microsoft and scientists at Brown University, among others—explains that all of the laws of physics we can see or measure today are laws that have worked themselves out over time. If we want to grasp how these laws of physics evolved, they say, we ought to apply Darwinian natural selection to cosmology.

Let us explain: As the universe sought stability over time, the simpler laws of physics it relied on in the beginning evolved to become much more sophisticated. Why are there still cats and dogs in our world, but no trilobites or dinosaurs? Cats and dogs proved best-adapted to their environment and successfully passed on their genes to their progeny. The same is true for the universe by analogy—the difference being that the universe doesn't need to compete with other universes, but to keep going.

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