Rabu, 16 September 2020

Ferment Something New this Fall


Ferment Something New!

Fall has nearly arrived and that means the days are getting shorter, the weather is cooling off, and new indoor activities can be discovered. Now is the perfect timing for cider making from fresh apples, honey is available from apiaries, and garden stands are filled with things to ferment! Find the tips, recipes, and resources you'll need to ferment something new this fall in this special e-newsletter.

Hard Seltzer Made Easy

The popularity of hard seltzer over the past two years is impossible to miss as these malternative drinks have taken over huge portions of grocery stores and beer/liquor stores. They can easily be made at home following a few simple guidelines. Learn about crafting hard seltzers in your own home.

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High Gravity, Building Electric Systems For Over 15 Years

High Gravity's been at the forefront of electric brewing, building their first system over 15 years ago. Our controllers are guaranteed forever, period. We build systems from 5 gallons to 2BBLs. Made to order, Dave takes time to talk and help get the system that fits you.

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Fermented Foods: Making Sauerkraut, Yogurt, Sourdough & Malt Vinegar at Home

Many beer nerds are foodies, and most of the homebrewers I know are also passionate home cooks. Once you get started with these simple recipes, there are a multitude of fermented foods out there that take more time, effort, and precision.

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Hard Seltzer Fermentations Require Nutrients.

In hard seltzer production, it's required to provide all of the proteins, vitamins, and minerals necessary for a healthy fermentation. That's why we've developed SeltzerMax™. This product contains everything you need for a fast and healthy fermentation resulting in a super clean hard seltzer.

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Hopped Cider

Did you grow your own hops this year? You can use some of those, or pellets from your homebrew shop in your cider. But, don't just throw them in blind. Here's what you should know when making a hopped cider. 

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WIN BREWERY SWAG from Five Star Chemicals!

Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Instagram to win some sweet brewery swag. We promise to only send the latest news in cleaning and sanitizing and not clutter your Inbox.

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Session Meads: Making Carbonated, Lower-ABV Meads

While mead is usually a double-digit ABV beverage, a relatively new style of more sessionable mead is becoming popular. Learn the keys to making carbonated, lower-alcohol meads to be enjoyed on any occasion.

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NanoCon Online – November 6 & 7, 2020

Learn from craft brewing industry experts with live online sessions covering Brewery Operations, Sales & Marketing, Business Operations, and Start-Ups. Join Nano breweries (and Nanos in planning) online for two days packed with over 30 seminars, workshops, and Q&A panels geared just for you – the small-scale commercial brewery, or brewery in-planning, working on smaller systems.

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Make Your Own Kombucha

Got fermentation fever? Kombucha — tea fermented with Brettanomyces and other microbes — may be a fun change of pace. Learn the history, brewing techniques, and recipes for this ancient fermented beverage that has boomed in popularity in recent years.

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