Rabu, 12 Agustus 2020

Turn your homebrewing hobby into a career!


Become a Professional Brewer

First off, the BYO team would like to let you know that we're thinking of you as COVID-19 continues to impact lives around the world and we hope this email finds you and your family and friends safe and healthy. Hopefully reading the content in this special newsletter about going pro gives you something positive to focus on regarding making great beer in the midst of these challenging times. Be well.

So You Want to Go Pro?

Dreaming about taking your homebrewing hobby to the next level? Consider these words of advice first.
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Significantly Simple for a Complex Clean

Introducing the Keg Washer from Blichmann Engineering. Its simple and intuitive design allows users to quickly select from automatic preset cycles for a complex clean with minimal effort. Easy to use and compact for convenient storage, this cost-effective keg washer allows brewers to focus on what really matters—their beer.

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Start Your Own Brewery

When homebrewers decide they want to make a career in the brewing industry, there are two primary avenues — get a job with an established brewery, or start their own. Learn what goes into starting a brewery for yourself.

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How to Make Hard Seltzer: Refreshing Recipes for Sparkling Libations
In this guide, the country's best hard seltzer producers provide recipes and advice for making seltzer for both commercial and home enjoyment. Available for preorder at BrewersPublications.com.

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Going Pro Roundtable

We asked seven pro brewers about the requirements, potential setbacks, and other information a person should know when deciding to make brewing a career.

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Going Pro? Check out the Ruby Pro Nano – Introductory Price $9,999 (gas) $11,999 (electric)

Going pro is easy with the Ruby Pro 1 BBL system backed by our unrivaled customer support. Mash tun manway, integrated spray-ball, bottom drains, heat exchanger, welded TC fittings, digital control package and butterfly valves are standard equipment.  All supported by a hand TIG welded stainless frame on 5" locking casters.

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10 Keys to Nano Success

A successful business model for opening a new brewery is making it a small-scale nanobrewery. Here are 10 keys to make sure the new venture is successful!

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Big Ideas for Small-Scale Craft Brewing – Now in an Interactive Online Format on November 6&7, 2020

The landscape for small-scale breweries has radically changed this year. It is more important than ever to invest in better understanding the new brewing business landscape and how to best rebuild – or launch – your small brewery in this new reality. Learn from craft brewing industry experts with live online sessions covering Sales & Marketing, Brewery Operations, Business Operations, and Start-Ups. Click below for more information on this exciting learning opportunity.

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