Minggu, 08 Mei 2022

How to Build Your Own DIY Smokeless Fire Pit

Recent smokeless fire pit testing got me to thinking that it might not be too hard to make one myself. Without taking anything away from the companies making smokeless fire pits, they're fairly simple once you understand how they work.

The short story is this. I started with a 55-gallon drum, cut roughly in half horizontally, as the main body. Then I slit one of those halves vertically down the side and squeezed it to a smaller diameter to fit inside the other half; this created the double-wall construction that makes these fire pits work. After adding a bottom, I created a cap that bridged the tops of the inner and outer walls. Finally, I cut holes around the base on the outside, in the bottom inside, and around the top edge inside. It's certainly not as pretty as those commercially available, but it works. And there's pride in building it by hand.

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