Rabu, 18 November 2020

Bring the Funk: Brett and Bugs


Bring the Funk: Brett and Bugs

First off, the BYO team would like to let you know that we're thinking of you as COVID-19 continues to impact lives around the world and we hope this email finds you and your family and friends safe and healthy. Hopefully reading the content in this special newsletter about wild and sour brewing techniques gives you something positive to focus on regarding making great beer in the midst of these challenging times. Be well.

All About Brett

Beers brewed with Brettanomyces are everywhere these days, and there are dozens of Brett isolates available from yeast labs. Explore how to ferment your next batch of homebrew with Brett.
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Wyeast Premium Liquid Cultures for Wild & Sour Beers

Our Wild & Sour collection offers proven Brettanomyces, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus cultures and exclusive blends for creative fermentations. Achieve premium & distinctive characteristics for any style and Brew Like the Professionals with Wyeast.

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Brewing with Lactobacillus

Lactobacillus can do in a week what takes Pediococcus a year! Learn how to use lacto to make sour beers in a fraction of the time.

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Significantly Simple for a
Complex Clean

Introducing the Keg Washer from Blichmann Engineering. Its simple and intuitive design allows users to quickly select from automatic preset cycles for a complex clean with  minimal effort. Easy to use and compact for convenient storage, this cost-effective keg washer allows brewers to focus on what really matters — their beer. 

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Brewing Sour Beers: Tips from the Pros

The brewers at Brugge Brasserie, New Belgium Brewing, and Port Brewing share tips on how they approach brewing sour beers.

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White Labs Wild Yeast and Bacteria Strains!

White Labs offers an array of wild yeast and bacteria strains for every brewing style and fermentation technique! Strains range from the perfect Brettanomyces strains for traditional farmhouse styles to Lactobacillus for a modern sour beer. See our catalog for a full list of strains and blends to fit your brewing needs.

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How do you Tame Wild Yeast?: Mr. Wizard

How concerned should you be when it comes to cross contamination when using Brettanomyces and wild yeasts in the homebrewery? As long as you use common sense and good sanitation practices, the Wizard gives the green light to bringing bugs into your brewery.

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