Minggu, 08 Januari 2023

Why Isn't The World Made of Lego Blocks?

In the summer of 2009, more than 4,000 volunteers flocked to Dorking, England, to help former Top Gear cohost James May realize his childhood dream of building a real house out of Lego bricks. Over roughly one month, more than 3.5 million plastic blocks were transformed into a two-story home complete with Lego furnishings.

Guinness World Records dubbed May's structure the largest "life-sized house made from interlocking bricks." May's house wasn't alone as a life-sized Lego build. In 2016, Land Rover built a 5.8-million-brick model of London's Tower Bridge sturdy enough to drive its SUVs across. And in 2018, an Australian team built a full-size Lego camping trailer. Such accomplishments beg the question: If we can build a Lego house or bridge or camper, why isn't more of our world made of Lego blocks?

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