Minggu, 07 Agustus 2022

All of the Webb Telescope's Best Sights in the Cosmos, For You

What's the oldest galaxy humanity has ever seen? Our vision now extends to astonishingly cosmic distances. On July 12, the James Webb Space Telescope's near-infrared and mid-infrared instruments issued their first clear glimpse of thousands of galaxies in a deep field view that took advantage of gravitational lensing, when the powerful gravitational field of a huge group of galaxies bends the light rays from more distant galaxies, pulling them into our view.

One of the galaxies Webb saw emerged from a fledgling universe, only 235 million years after the Big Bang, making it the oldest galaxy we've ever laid eyes on. In fact, CEERS-93316 is an astounding 35 billion light-years away.

The images here include all of the publicly released Webb photos and descriptions, and we'll be updating them weekly. For a complete list of images and their descriptions, see the official Webb Gallery, where you'll also find analysis graphs that explain the properties of distant objects in space, such as Exoplanet 96B's atmospheric composition.

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