Minggu, 17 Juli 2022

The James Webb Space Telescope's First Images Are NASA's Greatest Achievement in Decades

NASA's first fully focused images from the James Webb Space Telescope gaze into the origins of the universe and examine exoplanets that could harbor alien life. The $10 billion telescope's sensors scrutinize targets near and far, from a galactic arm of our own Milky Way to never-before-seen galaxies being born in the deepest reaches of space. Its spectrograph has also divined the chemistry of another planet's atmosphere from more than 1,000 light-years away, finding a gas giant called WASP-96b hazed with clouds of gaseous water. The resulting images and data showcase the telescope's unparalleled versatility.

It's a moment of triumph for scientists around the world, who now have a groundbreaking tool to aim at humanity's most existential mysteries. But it's also a victory for the flight operations teams who shepherded the telescope through the first critical weeks of its mission. This is their story.

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