Minggu, 10 Juli 2022

How to Build Just-Right Stair Stringers

Amateur carpenters who have laid out the cuts in a stair stringer (the zig-zag structural support for the steps) know the queasy feeling that bubbles up at the prospect of this job. There's the simple-but-odd math and logic involved. Then there's the layout of the cuts, followed by the cuts themselves and, sometimes, disappointment and fiddling with the thing that you just cut out.

All that sweaty-palm carpentry takes the fun out of what should be a chance to do some unusual woodwork that comes out well.

I cut my first set of stairs decades ago, and although they came out well, I know too well how frustrating the experience can be. I don't cut stair stringers every day. Most of the time, I go years between stair jobs when I either have to cut them to help a neighbor or on some volunteer job. That's why I've come to rely on a variety of hacks that help me get my head into the job.

Professional carpenters may scoff at these techniques as carpentry with training wheels. They are. But it's important to remember that I'm not a carpenter. I'm a well-intentioned amateur. And if you are too, there's nothing wrong with a little assist.

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