Minggu, 12 Februari 2023

Build This Propane-Fired DIY Pizza Oven

Pizza ovens have exploded in popularity in recent years. We've tested a bunch of them and can see why. A good pizza oven can cook a fantastic artisan pizza in less than two minutes—and you can make it any way you like. That's especially convenient if folks in your family never agree on toppings. In 10 minutes, you can crank out three 12- to 14-inch pies. Everyone gets what they want.

During one round of testing, we got to thinking: How difficult would it be to make your own portable pizza oven? There are plenty of plans around for brick pizza ovens, but not too many for smaller, portable, propane-fired ovens you can use anywhere: on your patio, at a friend's barbecue, or even camping. So, we launched into this DIY pizza oven project. The body is made from brushed stainless steel we found at our local salvage yard and the pizza stone comes from Amazon. Making the burner was the most challenging part and required repeat tries to get it working well enough to get the pizza stone up to temp.

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