Minggu, 19 Juni 2022

How to Build a Backyard Greenhouse

Many backyard gardeners start their plants indoors in late winter or early spring, before the weather is warm. But the best way to jump-start plants for spring gardening and also extend the growing season into winter is with a backyard greenhouse. Our design is a 6-by-8-foot structure, large enough to accommodate dozens of plants but compact enough to fit into the smallest yard. It's also easy to build, requiring only basic carpentry skills and easy-to-use tools. You can finish it over a couple of weekends.

The cost of the materials to build our greenhouse is about $1,200. That's higher than some pre-assembled greenhouses, but our materials are more reliable than any "snap together" model; plus, this one is customizable. We include a potting bench, overhead plant hanger, and deck, but you can add or subtract features as needed. Whether you're an expert gardener or a rookie, our greenhouse will expand your gardening potential and diversify the kinds of plants you can grow at home.

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