Selasa, 17 Agustus 2021

Understanding enzymes, Junkyard Brewing Co.'s Peanut Butter Bandit clone and more

Brew Day Bulletin
Dear Homebrewer,
We turned to four professional brewers who are renowned for their fine Belgian beers for advice on brewing Belgian-style beers at home [Digital Members].
Spaten Premium Lager clone [Digital Members] is smooth, delicate, simple and subtle. It has an enticing balance between hop bitterness and malt. This is a delicious, easy-drinking lager.
Experiment with brewing with peanuts with Junkyard Brewing Co.'s Peanut Butter Bandit clone recipe [Free].  
Read our homebrewer's guide to understanding enzymes [Free]. Then, are you ready for the moonlighter challenge [Free]?
Mr. Wizard discusses barrel preparation [Free] and silicone hosing lifespan [Digital Members].
Finally, get project plans for the modular worterator, for all your post-boil brew day needs in one unit [Digital Members].
Brad Ring
Read & Brew: Free Content For All
Junkyard Brewing Co.'s Peanut Butter Bandit clone

One of the largest concerns with adding peanuts to a beer centers on the slick and unpleasant mouthfeel contributions and impedance of head formation/retention due to peanuts' significant oil content. When compared to other eating nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, pine nuts, etc.), peanuts share a similar profile to another nut used commonly in brewing, the hazelnut.

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.070 FG = 1.017
IBU = 23 SRM = 42 ABV = 7%

10 lbs. (4.54 kg) Maris Otter pale ale malt
2 lbs. (0.91 kg) dark Munich malt (20 °L)
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) crystal malt (120 °L)

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Understanding Enzymes

Many homebrewers find this question confusing, which is hardly surprising, since many commercial brewers don't appear to truly understand it either! It is important to think of the mash as two distinct operations: conversion of the solid malted barley into a liquid extract, and recovering that sweet "wort" from the spent grains. This article will discuss mashing enzymes, which convert the starch in malt into soluble sugars. By understanding and manipulating enzyme activity, an all-grain brewer can control the fermentability of his wort.

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2021 WineMaker Competition Results for Meads and Ciders

Find out the Best of Show Mead and all medal winners just announced from this year's competition with 1,893 entries. Congrats to all the winners. And get your mead and cider entries ready and mark your calendar for the 2022 competition with an entry deadline of March 21, 2022.
Ask Mr. Wizard
Barrel Preparation

Q I just received an 8-gallon (30-L) bourbon barrel, but I realized I don't know what I need to do to prepare the barrel. My beer won't be ready for 30 days, and the barrel "has been freshly emptied," according to the supplier I bought it from. Is there anything I need to do to the barrel in the meantime or can I just siphon the beer into it when it's ready?

A Bourbon barrels can be used to produce some really great beers. At Springfield Brewing Company, like many craft breweries, we use bourbon barrels for some of our beers. Our anniversary beer for the last few years has been a fruited stout partially aged in bourbon barrels and our Little Barrel of Nectar is a stout we produce when the stars are aligned using 8-gallon (30-L) bourbon barrels from Woodinville Whiskey. And most recently we aged our Tsarry Night, a Russian imperial stout, in rum barrels to produce Arrghy Night. So my answer below will come from my experience with these beers.

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Less Than 1 Month to Save $100 on In-Person Homebrewing Workshops

Join BYO in Denver, Colorado this November 4-6, 2021 for small-class, hands-on, in-person homebrewing workshops. Choose from over one dozen full-day classes taught by homebrewing's top experts.
The Moonlighter Challenge: Dangling a beer carrot

Don't you just hate it when you see people that think they know how everything is done? No one likes a know-it-all . . . until now. Last year I did this build and I am still uncertain of what it is called. But whatever it is called, it will provide hours of entertainment watching people try to figure it out. I called mine "The Moonlighter Challenge," after my homebrew club. After doing some research (drinking beer in various awkward positions) I was ready for my build. The best thing about it is that you probably have just about everything you need laying around for this build. 

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Spaten Premium Lager clone

Not all late-hopped beers need to be aggressive. Pelican Spaten's roots can be traced back to the 1300s. The name of the brewery is derived from the Spaeth family, who purchased the 225-year-old brewery in 1622. Spaten's modern tradition began in Munich in 1807 when Gabriel Sedlmayr I, brewmaster for the Royal Court of Bavaria, took over the brewery. His son, the legendary innovator Gabriel Sedlmayr II, later became brewmaster and created Munich helles as an alternative to pilsner.

(5 gallons, partial mash)
OG = 1.051  FG = 1.011
IBU = 18  SRM = 5  ABV = 5.2%

6 oz. (0.17 kg) German Munich malt (6 °L)
12 oz. (0.34 kg) Carafoam® malt
4 oz. (113 g) melanoidin malt

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The Belgian Masters Speak

Belgian brewing dates back centuries, yet the techniques that make Belgian beers among the finest and most unique in the world remain similar to this day. Belgian brewing has greatly influenced many of today's American homebrewers. Among other things, it has taught us that the most excellent beers may not fit into strict style guidelines.

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Ask Mr. Wizard
Silicone hosing lifespan

How many times can you reasonably use flexible silicone hose, the kind most homebrewers use for siphoning? I tend to start with a new hose, use it to rack cooled wort or green beer five to ten times, then convert the hose to fermentation blow-off tubes. After one use as a blow-off tube, the sucker is pretty well stained and I throw it away. Am I overusing my hoses? If not, how can I squeeze more use from them? Would high temperatures (from hot wort) running through the hose impart any off-flavors? Also, what effects does alcohol have on stainless steel? I always wipe down my equipment before and after I brew to ensure sterility. I was wondering if this practice is potentially harmful to my equipment. Thanks for the help..

The hoses used in homebrewing are similar to the hoses used in beverage and food-processing plants, except the industrial-grade hoses are reinforced to increase their pressure rating and usually covered by a durable protective outer covering to increase ruggedness in a plant environment. At first glance, a commercial-quality brewery hose looks like a completely different beast than the typical homebrew hose. But if you strip all the covering off of many commercial hoses, you will find an inside liner that is made of silicone just like your homebrew hose.

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The Modular Worterator: Post-boil brew day needs in one unit

Once my homebrewing efforts moved out of the kitchen at the strong suggestion of my wife, I found myself having a hard time effectively getting 5 or 10 gallons (19 or 38 L) of wort close to fermentation temperature. In addition, after a long brew day I often forgot to set up my oxygenation stone and hated cleaning and sanitizing all the various parts individually.

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