Rabu, 16 Desember 2020

Why Malt Matters


All-Grain Brewing Techniques

First off, the BYO team would like to let you know that we're thinking of you as COVID-19 continues to impact lives around the world and we hope this email finds you and your family and friends safe and healthy. Hopefully reading the content in this special newsletter about why malt selection is so critical to your brews gives you something positive to focus on regarding making great beer in the midst of these challenging times. Be well.

Grain on the Brain

Let's start the newsletter with an in-depth look at the base and specialty malts available to homebrewers, as well as the basics you need to know regarding crushing, storing, and evaluating them.
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Rahr North Star Pils
A base malt to set your compass by! Rahr North Star Pils™ is crafted to meet the requirements of brewers looking for a domestic Pilsner malt with low color and low modification.
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Specialty Grains: Caramel & Roasted Malts 

While many factors create a beer's overall flavor, the specialty grains you choose for your brew may have the biggest impact on how it is perceived. Take a deeper look at these malts used for flavor and color.

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How to Make Hard Seltzer: Refreshing Recipes for Sparkling Libations

In this guide, the country's best hard seltzer producers provide recipes and advice for making seltzer for both commercial and home enjoyment. Available now at BrewersPublications.com

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Master Malt Analysis

As an agricultural product, there are a lot of variables that affect the quality of barley, and then malt, from location-to-location, batch-to-batch, and year-to-year. To know exactly how your malt will impact your beer, you need to be able to understand the malt spec sheets. 

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Join BYO's Brewing Water Adjustments Online Boot Camp with John Palmer

Water is a critical brewing ingredient and yet is one of the least understood. John Palmer, who wrote the definitive book on the subject, Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers, will take the mystery out of your approach to handling water in your homebrewery. You'll learn not only the chemistry but also the tests you should be taking and the adjustments to make resulting in better beer. Sign up today (and explore our full lineup of online Boot Camps coming in early 2021 here)!

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Malting Your Own

It may be less common than growing your own hops, but if you really have a green thumb you can also grow your own barley (or buy barley) and malt it yourself to create a truly unique, homemade beer.

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